Club Track day at Curborough
30th April
Club Track Days Return to Curborough on April 30th 2024
After last year’s 2 track days, the club will be at Curborough Sprint Course on Wednesday 30th April 2024. From 10.00am to 4.00pm. This is intended as a social get-together for all Club members with the added benefit (for those interested) of “stretching the legs” of your car without speed restrictions.
Cars will run individually – and so, as fast or as slow as you wish. No special preparations are required but obviously all cars taking part must be in a safe condition especially in relation to brakes and tyres. It is the driver’s responsibility to ensure that the car is safe for use (at speed) on the track!
Crash helmets are recommended (though it’s not a big issue if you don’t have one) but the wearing of seatbelts will be mandatory.
Trackside refreshments will be available for everyone visiting on the day but should be pre-booked (this option was considered best value for individuals and the Club). This will include a breakfast bap and lunch (menu TBC) with drinks throughout the day.
Costs: Entry to the course and parking is free.
Track use - £70.00 per car.
Food & Drinks - £18.00 per person (available for all visitors if pre-booked).
Location: Just off A38 near Lichfield (initially follow sign for Fradley Industrial Estate), Netherstowe Lane, off Wood End Lane.
Nearest postcode is WS13 8EJ or What3Words – countries:locating:looks.
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